Ayesha Fateh

I will always remember this; I have no idea why but I will.
I was on my practice trip for the Silver Award- unfortunately I never got the chance to attend the real trip due to medical reasons.
Nevertheless, my group and I were in the middle of a large field (not surprising) and one of my friends had told me how she had been stung by nettles earlier on in the day. She said how it was getting quite irritated and sore and so needed to do something to help.
I don’t know how it happened but suddenly, I felt like I was in Iron Man’s suit- I quickly scanned the area and identified a dock leaf bush and a bin bag that had been used to cover a hay stack but had come off.
So, I grabbed a couple of the leaves and placed them in the irritated area. Then, I ripped a strip of the bin bag off and tied it around the leaves to keep them in place, acting as a temporary bandage.
By the time we had reached our camp, the area had healed and my friend was no longer in pain.
It wasn’t much but at the time, I felt like a hero.
On these trips, you find yourself in the most random situations and often need to think fast and efficiently. These are the moments you will remember forever.
- A :)