Isobel Rennie

DofE helped me make so many great memories from the walking and getting lost and having to find where we were to helping me be more confident and helping my local community. I volunteered at my local brownies and this allowed me to help the younger members of my community and also brought back so many great memories of when i was at brownies. One of my favourite memories is after arriving at the campsite for the evening, we would sit by our fire we had to make for dinner and have our food as a group and discuss the day and our plan for the next day. It was great fun and allowed us to reflect on the positives and overcome the negatives as a group and ensure they did not happen again! I also loved looking back at the pictures I took during the expedition, it helps me remember how much of a great time I had. Looking back at my experience although I got lost a few times I wouldn't change it, it helped me understand that I wont always be able to just use my phone to search where I am.