Jack Amos

I joined around 1 year ago because i was told that it looks good on a Resume. When I started it was quite difficult but then I realise that through physical I can lose weight because I chose to do cycling and I could have a bit of fun with it as well because for skill I chose cooking. Because of cycling and cooking I learnt to eat healthy and then be able to work some calories off through cycling as well. I chose to volunteer at the local doctors surgery and I was sorting through files and I did that once a week for an hour, but since the pandemic has happened this year I couldn’t do it for parts of the year but it didn’t stop me from still continuing on from it. This way I can combine them all because I can cycle down to the surgery for half an hour then do volunteering for an hour then cycle back to my house for half an hour then cook something and then have dinner or lunch and that way I would’ve gone through volunteering, skill and physical in a day.