Rhianna Holloway
The Bronze D of E Expedition was possibly one of the most fun things I’ve ever done. It was brilliant, despite getting hopelessly lost in a gigantic field in the pouring rain, and COVID meaning we couldn’t camp. I was nervous because I’m notoriously clumsy and was bound to fall over in the mud, and I didn’t really know my group that well because we are in different forms at school, but I ended up loving it. We all got along great, sang loudly most of the way, and were ridiculously early to some of our checkpoints. By the end we were all so tired that everything seemed hilarious. I put two sashays of powder in my soup and it ended up being so thick it slid around the bowl as one entity, greatly amusing Hannah, which set me off laughing as well and we ended up in hysterics. We have some great photos, and even though it rained on and off all weekend, we all got cold and muddy and the ‘everything free, super healthy’ pasta sauce proved to be uneatably disgusting, none of us cared. It was 100% worth doing, and I cannot wait to do Silver, hopefully this time with a tent and proper camping. I was so happy Dad barely got a word in all the way home. Thank you!!
* the photos were taken in Baconsthorpe Castle
* the photos were taken in Baconsthorpe Castle