Natalie Davis

I started by DofE experience back when I was 14 and went through all the different levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Finally completing my Gold at the start of 2019. Completing my DofE awards has made me who I am today, I would not be as resisliant, committed, strong or as confident if I hadn't had this award scheme. It has taught me that I can do anything I want to do, including wild camping which is something that I never thought I would be able to do but ended up being one of my favourite parts of the Gold expedition.

I completed all 3 levels with my older brother which meant we were both determined to finish all levels but brought us closer together and given us memories together that we will always remember.

Completing all 3 DofE awards is one of my proudest achievements and has given me memories that will last a lifetime, from meeting new people and the sore feet from the expeditions, nothing else is ever going to match it.

The photo attached is over me and my brother (Richard Davis)