Amy-Louise Beddows

DOFE has helped me more than I ever thought it would. Going into DOFE I felt that I wouldn’t be good enough or have the skills required to do it. But after the help and encouragement from my DOFE leaders and teammates , I’m so glad I did DOFE. My favourite memory is of my friend Harry , we were on day one of walking and heading through a swampy patch of land. As I was leading this leg of our expedition, I told everyone to go around the swampy patch. But did Harry listen? No! He walked straight through it and his boot got trapped in the mud. Then while trying to get his foot out his boot came off and his foot landed straight in the mud too! He was told to do his boot up tight so it didn’t happen again. However only 20 minutes later it happened again! His foot was submerged and his boot was sinking. I was in fits of laughter watching him try to fish his boot out of the mud.Our team eventually retrieved the boot and continued on to have an amazing expedition! That’s why i’m going to continue to go all the way to gold and maybe even become a leader!