Ioana Zoltan

On the first day of my practice silver expedition, the weather was not on our side. We were walking through hurricane Hannah in the Peak District. We thought we could not reach the campsite without getting some sort of cold and my entire group was concerned about getting stranded. However as a group we all persevered through the cold weather and the piercing rain and managed to reach the campsite, and although we were all freezing we managed to warm up with a hot chocolate each and some warm pasta. The best part about this day was sitting as a cohort of silver participants and plying games from inside our tents. This day as a whole showed not only me but the rest of my group just how determined we can be and how amazing we were as a group to persevere through the weather conditions and still manage to have fun overall. The next two days were so sunny that we all got a nice tan which made us all very happy with the overall experience.