Harry McBain

I have currently achieved my Bronze DofE and I am in the process of completing my Silver and Gold. My DofE journey has been unique compared to previous years due to COVID, it has meant that our expedition has had to be carefully planned and limited in relation to its location.

Nevertheless, DofE has given me new friendships within my group with people who otherwise I may have never met. It has given me the chance to give back to my community and to work with some amazing people! If I had not followed in my family and friend's footsteps of doing my DofE my life may have ended up being completely different and I am grateful for the impact that it has had.

We are currently planning our Silver expedition and I am sure that it will be another expedition to remember, just as our Bronze was. We had many laughs, conversations and overall a great time. I discovered routes in my local area that I had never known about before and I learnt more about the natural life that surrounds me.

I am cannot wait to continue along my DofE journey and I would like to express my sadness at Prince Phillip's passing. His legacy has made a great impact on my life within this organisation and I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way.