Sharon Howell

I was persuaded to take part in the Award Scheme whilst working for Bradford Council Youth Office. I have some wonderful memories of some of the things I participated in but also some traumatic ones which have never left me - like not being able to complete an abseil whilst doing the Mountain Leadership Course. My regret at not managing it is still with me now in my 70s. For my interest I took up Amateur Dramatics and I am still involved in that to this day albeit in a much smaller capacity but it is something I passed down a love of to my children and some of my grandchildren. I volunteered as a youth leader and went on to qualify as one for many years working with Bradford PHAB Club. In later life I volunteered and became a Magistrate and gave almost 19 years service, a big part of which was as a Youth Magistrate until my retirement last year. I am now waiting to become a member of a Youth Referral Panel when restrictions lift which may lead to work with DofE again.
I had the privilege of meeting Prince Philip when he came to Bradford to open their first purpose built DofE Centre, I think possibly 1974, and the day after he Chaired the AGM of the Scheme at the Norfolk Gardens Hotel when I was on duty as a roving mike at the meeting then during lunch in a packed room I was standing holding 2 plates of food & wine with my handbag between my feet whilst my colleague went to the Ladies and suddenly a voice came over my shoulder “awkward situations these aren’t they” and there was Prince Philip smiling at me!!
The next time I met him was on 1st July 1975 when I went to Buckingham Palace and received my Gold Award from him in the Blue Music Room. My Dad accompanied me and he was so proud of what I had achieved, I still have the photo of us on the steps of the Palace proudly on display. Watching all the programs about Prince Philip has made me realise how much taking part in the Scheme has shaped my life without knowing at the time.