Lily Govender

I am currently a Sixth Form Pupil at the City of London Freemens School in Ashtead, have achieved the Silver Award, and am working towards my Gold. A DofE memory I would like to share was during my Silver Expedition in October 2019, when we did our walking route around the Brecon Beacons. I was in a group with 5 of my friends, and as you can imagine none of us were that thrilled to start a hike up the mountains at 8 am in the morning. Unfortunately for us, it also happened to be one of the wettest months they had ever had in Wales. We encountered all sorts of turbulence while on our expedition; cows, flooding, falling in the mud, vertical climbs, sheep, as well as getting lost numerous times. However, while in the moment it seemed like one of the worst weekends of our lives, every time somebody mentions the expedition, we all fall into a fit of laughter, remembering all the ups and downs we had to overcome, in order to complete the award. The DofE Award has helped me create lasting memories with my peers that I will never forget, and I will be eternally grateful for that.