Chiara Thompson

For my Silver Qualifying expedition (2019), my group and I were at Balmoral! We knew that the royals would be there but we never expected to see or meet any of them, however during the walk we saw and waved to various members of the family including William and Kate aswell as the Duke of Edinburgh himself - we saw the DofE on Dofe?. Later, we met the Queen and she asked us if we were doing our Dofe, about our walk, told us we were slow walkers? and that our leader was up the hill - she also had the corgis in the back seat (which really was the wow moment!!). We all couldn’t believe it, I was in so much shock and was shaking, I was the most surreal moment of my life, it was crazy!!
For the rest of the expedition we became so used to saying “Oh there’s a black Range Rover, everyone get to the side, and smile and wave” followed by “who was that do we know?”. It was the craziest weekend of my life and we all will never ever forget it!
None of my other expeditions were as crazy as this on but I am still so grateful for the chance to partake in the award and look forward to getting my gold!!

The image attached was taken just after we met the Queen :)