Iona Gourlay

I have had the opportunity to complete all three awards and the experience has played a role in shaping who I am as a person today. During my gold award, I was lucky enough to volunteer at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Trust for a week carrying out conservation work. This experience not only introduced me to people from across the country but also influenced the degree I later chose and now, the career I wish to go into.

A key highlight for me has to be the expeditions. I was lucky enough to climb the three Yorkshire Dale peaks during my Silver Award and later, climb Mount Snowdon during my Gold Award. The skills I learnt from these expeditions have been invaluable and the experience helped develop my love for nature and exploring.

I would like to say a huge thank you to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh for creating this award as it has encouraged me to constantly seek out new experiences and adventures.

The picture is from the top of Snowdon during our Gold expedition.
