Robert Lannon

I began my DofE journey as a Newly Qualified Teacher, becoming a DofE Manager in my Licenced Organisation.

On a personal level, the DofE has had a huge impact on my teaching career and wider life. I have been able to access a wide range of training, skills and qualifications of which I am very proud. The DofE has also allowed me to have shared experiences with my students outside of the classroom, enabling me to gain a greater understanding of their lives and, ultimately, becoming a better teacher.

Perhaps the most rewarding part of the Award is seeing the growth and development of the young people in my organisation. DofE participants learn to conquer the challenges in their way, developing their independence, resilience and confidence along the way - and all with a big smile on their faces.

One of my stand-out memories is of a group of students who completed their two-day Bronze expedition on two of the wettest days of the year. They trudged through the sodden countryside as the rain poured off their waterproofs. Overnight, the campsite partially flooded. We were close to calling the expedition off and trying again another day, but their spirits and morale never faltered, they supported each other and worked as a team. When they finally reached the minibus at the end of the second day, the smiles on their faces were virtually ear-to-ear.

I could tell through the grins that they had surprised even themselves, they had learned they were capable of more than they knew and their hard work had paid off. They were immensely proud of their achievement, and so was I.