
For the last 10 years DofE has been a huge part of my life. I have completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold Award and now as a teacher I have continued to assist with the DofE programme as a leader. DofE not only developed my confidence and friendships but I developed skills for life.
I will always remember in 2015 attending St James's Palace and I was so excited that the Duke was at my ceremony. He walked over to the South East cohort and asked if anyone had canoed their Gold award. One man put his hand up and the Duke started cracking jokes telling this man he had the easy route compared to everyone else. It was hilarious!
My DofE memories remain alive through the stories I tell our students such as the time Ms walked through a bog, got chased by cows and fell in a river and I hope to encourage many more students to complete the award and experience fantastic memories.
The DofE award shaped me as an individual and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I was given all as a result of the Duke, RIP Prince Phillip, a true hero.