Ethan Mpozembizi

I remember first being apprehensive. I like the idea of camping out but I wasn’t sure about the long walks and all the other components. The Gold award requires commitment and dedication. However I had a great experience while doing the programme with my friends. It is one of my greatest achievements. It was hard but through perseverance and hard work I was encouraged by my team mates to achieve. Somehow it was completed after a long 12months. The invitation to Buckingham Palace to collect my award was an awesome wholesome experience. What a day!
I am beyond grateful. Word have failed me concerning the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Beyond the excitement of it all, I have seen how this award and the programme in general has enhance my CV and the experience has really enable be to seek further personal development.

I might not have personally met the Duke of Edinburgh, but he surely had an impact on my life. For that I am grateful for his initiative of the programme and I pray many will benefit from it still in the near future.

RIP Prince Phillip
Thought and prayers are with the Queen and the family.

God bless,

Ethan Mpozembizi
Gold award Holder