Stephen Tully

I completed the ‘Gold’ level in the 1970’s and received the award at Buckingham Palace during the Queen’s silver jubilee year - 1977. I was 19 years old.

I attended the ceremony with my Mother and fiancé (now my wife of 40 years). Prince Phillip spoke to me and asked what activities and skills I had achieved and how I had become involved with the scheme. He seemed genuinely interested and made me feel special - even though he must have spoken to dozens of people on that day alone.

Achieving the award gave me a lot of confidence and spurred me on to take a degree at University.

One of my DofE skills was archery. I am now a board Director at ArcheryGB - the national governing body for the sport. We support very successful Olympic and Paralympic squads and have 40,000 members and 900 clubs in the UK.

I would not have enjoyed taking part in the sport over many years or be working at a high level in support of others had it not been for the award scheme.

God bless the Duke of Edinburgh.