Emma Philip

Between 1989 and 1992 I was lucky enough to be involved in the D of E Award scheme. achieving Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

I have wonderful memories of expeditions to the wilds of North Wales, being eaten alive by midges and getting lost on the side of a mountain for four hours! Sharing fun and challenging times with other young people, often out of our comfort zones, was a really character building experience.

I met the Duke of Edinburgh at St James Palace in 1992 and wore a hat for the occasion! My memory is rather vague but I do recall the obvious pride on my dad's face on meeting the Duke. Somewhere in the old fashioned photo albums I do have pictures of that day. I think I was perhaps too young at the time to appreciate the significance of that meeting but am enormously grateful for the award scheme that the Duke of Edinburgh founded and am delighted that my eldest daughter is now undertaking her Bronze Award.