Louise Bell

As a family keen for volunteering, we all completed our Bronze, Silver and Gold awards back in the 80’s and 90’s. All our Gold expeditions took us to the Isle of Skye to complete the 65 mile hike. Now there are some memories and stories to tell... I imagine it has changed a fair bit since then.

My special memories include the ‘big shop’ in advance of the expeditions where you were allowed to buy a 6 pack of high energy chocolate bars and hot chocolate sachets which were luxuries at that time. The joy of setting up your own camp with blisters and wondering how on earth you would be able to pack everything back up the next morning... including the wet tent canvas!

Other memories include volunteering for the community badges, community service and of course the friendship groups and resilience. Certainly made me a ‘tough cookie’.

All finished and topped off with a visit to a special garden party at Buckingham Palace to collect the certificate where we met many Royals and celebrities and had finger sandwiches... not as good as the squashed jam ones in our rucksacks!

Treasured memories!