Daniel O'Loan

My Duke of Edinburgh story is how a expedition became a life long career goal. As a young person I was never the most "outdoorsy", during lunchtime you would find me stuck inside with my head buried in a keyboard playing computer games while everyone was outside playing so doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award would be a giant leap outside my comfort zone. Firstly I wasn't sure if I was going to make it past my Bronze expedition, I was quite lazy and chubby at school so a 10 mile hike may seem like a walk in the park to many but for me it was quite difficult. I would moan and get other group members to carry my bags but I kept at it cause I really enjoyed the scenery and the laughs I would have with my school mates.

Over the next 3 to 4 years I would go on to complete the bronze silver and gold levels of my DofE. The most special moment was on our trip to the Scottish Highlands for our Gold expedition. This was my first time in the Highlands and I fell in love with the place. I embraced my new found sense of adventure I had developed from my expedition and I vowed to come back to Highlands some day. After secondary school I completed a outdoor education degree in Scotland gaining my mountain leader. I am now an outdoor instructor working for scout adventures delivering Duke of Edinburgh expeditions in the Highlands. The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme has inspired me to be the person I am today.