Georgie Ellmore-Jones

I must admit when I came to hear about the Duke of Edinburgh award I had not so much as put on a pair of walking boots- I attended an all girls school and was far more interested in drama, musical theatre and make-up than volunteering!
I ended up doing fishing as one of my volunteer activities and helped out on a farm; two things I would have never entertained doing before commencing the award.
I think that the award showed me how lovely nature can be and that going for a walk really wasn’t quite as unpleasant as I thought it was, but also that sometimes you have to do difficult things to achieve greatness.

Our first practice weekend we were absolutely soaked; the bottom of my sleeping bag was wet, there were tears, wet pillows, soggy tents- but there was laughter, memories and friendship.
I look back on those times as probably the fondest memories of my school days and I’m so grateful I did my award. It was a challenge but a joy and I’m so thankful for the experiences it gave me and my school friends at that time.

Thank you to his majesty the Duke of Edinburgh for pioneering the scheme and may you rest in peace.