Josh Kotedia

When I first heard of DofE I wasn’t keen on it as I was a shy person and didn’t like the outdoors that much but when the time came to participate for bronze I signed up and I definitely do not regret the experience the expedition was exhausting but it made me closer to my friends and gave me lots of good memories and skills for the future. The silver experience was way more fun for me as we canoed through the Norfolk broads in the summer and it was also exhausting but it was beautiful and was all round a great experience. Some days were tough for example we were rowing up stream against the wind in a storm or having to use a hole in the floor as a toilet but it was all worth it because in the end it made great memories to remember for the future. I am deeply saddened that the Duke of Edinburgh has passed away and hope he is resting peacefully. I am so grateful he made the DofE experience because it was one of the best experiences of my life