Paul Mawman

I joined the DofE award scheme as soon as I went to Foxwoods school in Leeds aged 14 in 1972 a tough school!
I embraced It, achieved the gold physical fitness standard in my bronze year.

Trained with the Army. It was great! I even got to abseil down the side of my school (5 floors)

Physical gym activities plus caving and climbing.

For service I supported the RSPCA and the Fire Service. At the RSPCA I learnt about compassion and grief but also great joy and elation. When I look back now it was very humbling.

The Fire Service was a brilliant experience. The guys were great we took part in soooo many activities! Many that wouldn't be allowed today. i.e being rescued from the tower! We learnt first aid, how to put on slings and make a stretcher from basic materials, most of all I learnt how much team work was required and so important to achieve results

For expeditions, I was fortunate enough that the school owned a residence in the Yorkshire Dales three peaks area and enjoyed my time on expeditions so much that I went back during the 6 weeks school holiday periods to camp up there with fellow achievers for 3 weeks. All in the days before mobile phones aged 15! (I used to ring home from the one phone box in the village every 2 days). In my later school years I used to go back as one of the more knowledgable students to assist the teachers!

My interaction with adults, dicipline and endeavour at such an early age made me the person I am today and has been fundamental in all I have achieved since.

Unfortunately I lent my Bronze and Silver Award books to the school in my last year of leaving to show potential new candidates and they lost them!! So I have nothing to show my grandchildren other than my original logbook and I still have the original poster.

I never achieved gold because I left school aged 16.5 to start work and earn money. One of my biggest regrets.
DofE should be recognised as an academic achievement that would be a real recognition.