Summer Mander

I have completed my bronze award, and completed all sections but the expedition on my silver (due to COVID-19).

My main memory takes me back to our practice expedition for DofE Bronze Award. My group and I were the smallest with only four members, we were ahead of everyone so we were the first on this part of the course. Our route took us through a cow field (normal right?). However by the time we reached the entrance, there was no way we’d get through the field...
The cows had covered the gate, staring at us! Due to this inconvenience, we then had to call our Leader to explain the situation...
She was a bit shocked and confused - I would have been to! So ultimately we ended up having to find a new route because the cows kept us cornered behind the gate! This inconvenience allowed us to gain independence and trust from finding a safe new route which went around the cows, to allow us and other groups through the field.
So I thank the DofE for helping me build up my independence and confidence.