Christina Griffith

Ever since I heard about the Duke of Edinburgh award, I immediately knew I wanted to apply! It was the idea of being outside with nature and being with people from my school including people from other schools and getting to know each other.

I remember in my bronze expedition when we had the challenge of trying to get around two horses in a field who were in front of the gate we had to go through. I remember how two of us tried to distract the horses while the others snuck past and it gave me a chance to be close to a horse (I love horses so I was glad that they were blocking our way?). It may have seemed like a really small achievement but it felt like so much more because of our teamwork! So, doing D of E not only provided us with a chance to do what we love and experience new things, but it also gave us a chance to be close to wildlife.

It was also amazing how everyone was included and how no one was left out. People from our school and another school also hung out during the evening when we had dinner and we also played games such as catching a ball and arm wrestling?.

Another thing which I loved is that every group I have been in has always been pleasant and supportive and when one of us struggled, the others in the group always helped.

There are so many more memories that I could talk about because this D of E experience has been amazing so far and I’m so glad that I took part! However, these experiences couldn’t have been possible without the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, and for that I am really grateful and hope that he rests in peace and I send my condolences to the Royal family. Thank you Prince Philip for these memories that I will cherish forever! It wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Can’t wait for what other adventures I will experience during my D of E journey!