Holly Bentley

I remember my bronze D of E expedition very well, like it was yesterday in fact. It was my 16th birthday and of course we had D of E. It was pouring down with rain and did not stop for the entire 24 hours we were out there. As my school Is near Dartmoor thats where we had to go and being there in the pouring rain is not pleasant. But to be honest it almost made the award better as it encouraged us to motivate and help each other as we all struggled as much as each other. It also made a very funny walk as everyone was slipping and falling down hills which added a bit of excitement to the day.

I valued the expedition so much as it allowed me to be independent and trust my instinct as well as develop relationships with people on a new level. I will never forget my D of E and will cherish it forever. It has made me a stronger person as it is something I never thought I would complete but I proved myself wrong and completed it.