Ethan Fairbrother

Both the practice and real expedition were some of the best times ive had in my life , me and the boys were trudging through insane rain , scrambling through obsticles and somehow managing to get to the finish line ! There was a steep learning curve as to what is needed in your bergen , some of us forgot to pack spare warm kit which led us to a soggy night in our doss sacks ! It felt like one big mission and the atmosphere was truely warm , the wind and rain wouldnt stop that . We all felt like SAS troopers on a reccy patrol , it was awesome . To round the day off we even competed in fitness challenges , seeing who could do the most press ups and laps . We were all out to impress eachother but despite wanting to look like Ant middleton we all found that collective relief and sense of achievement . DofE was amazing , RIP HRH??