Hayley Kennedy

I grew up on a council estate with a single Mum. My Mum worked in the local shop but we never had much money. It was financially and emotionally tough at times and I also had some personal challenges to deal with. However, my school and later the Air Training Corp were running DofE. I was quite shy but this scheme really helped me to be more confident. I loved the activities so much that I applied to do my Gold Expedition in New Zealand with Jenny Leathes and David Tranter. It was a special anniversary trip for DofE. I had no clue how I would raise the money but our leaders were really encouraging. I worked at Sainsbury’s part-time after school, washed cars and baked cakes to raise the money. My Mum also helped me to write letters to friends, family and associations to ask for support. It seemed like it would never happen. However, I look back now and it was one of my greatest achievements. In 2001, my Mum and I went to St James Palace to collect my Gold Award. The Duke was there and he made a joke about Mick Hucknell :). This story, like so many others, could have ended up very different. This scheme is a global legacy which transcends societal boundaries. HRH Duke of Edinburgh was a rockstar and a great visionary and he made a massive difference in my life. Thank you and my condolences go to the family. The picture below was taken on the Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand.