Trevor Farman

Fo me a lowland Suffolk boy. The D of E scheme helped me overcome my fear of heights with success with Lowestoft 469 Air Training Corps Fostered adventure this lead to 22yrs Royal Air Force career and member of RAF Leuchars part time mountain rescue service in Scotland saving lives continuing this 17 years as Prison Officer first on scene self harms and changing lives of prisoners and seeing D of E bronze scheme work for 18 to 21 year old prisoners camping overnight in a gym. Giving them hope and new skills to change their views of life and see the opportunities available to progress away from crime.
Duke of Edinburgh was way ahead of his time a great man not fully recognised for his world wide protection wild life our planet all its well being of worlds people.
A great man who arms wrapped around the world. Will be greatly missed but never forgot..
I wear my Gold badge with great pride it is worth as much as my 6 Service medals. And the confidence to overcome a bad stammer.