Suzanne Forbes

Some of my best teenage memories are moments from my Silver and Gold expeditions; my group carrying a watermelon around the Lake District and enjoying it on our last day; lying flat on our backs watching fighter jets overhead, then struggling to get back up because our bergens were so heavy; singing our hearts out to keep the morale up, and telling ghost stories in the dark. The confidence and self awareness I gained from taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award has stayed with me in the 26 years since I was honoured to receive my Gold Award from Prince Philip. My certificate hangs on my wall at home and I'm looking forward to my children starting their awards. It's a special feeling having the a members only club for those who endured the hard work and blisters, and, like me, thrived on it. I am thankful for the opportunity provided by the Duke of Edinburgh. May you rest in peace Sir.