
My DofE journey started when I was 15 years old. I completed my Bronze DofE and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to go on to complete my Gold DofE.

My Gold DofE, was (hands down) one of the best experiences of my life! I pushed myself further than I thought was possible and I learned so many new things. There aren't words to describe just how incredible the whole experience was!

We walked nearly 50 miles over the four days of our Gold Expedition; through sunshine, rain and lightening storms! Whatever the terrain and whatever the weather, our team just laughed through it.

One afternoon, as we reached the top of yet another peak in Snowdonia, the wind suddenly became so strong that we could barely stand up or walk in a straight line. One of my friends read the map and the rest of us held firmly onto each other, so that we didn't fall over! I remember all of us opening the gate to the campsite together, ecstatic we'd made it back without getting too wildly lost!

A few months later, we couldn't believe our luck when we got to receive our Gold Award certificates at BUCKINGHAM PALACE! That afternoon, at the palace, is one I'll never forget!

After my Gold DofE, I trained to become a DofE Leader and later I became a DofE Assessor. I love being a part of the DofE. It's simply amazing to be part of an organisation that gives young people the chance to create such wonderful memories, that undoubtedly last a lifetime. Thank you :)