Elizabeth Said

I did gold D of E in year 12 . While I knew the other girl involved ( I went to an all girls school), I don’t think any other event ,other than D of E, could have brought us closer together. I will never forget the fun we had messing around on our expedition, joking and hanging out with each-other. We were on a 3 day canoe trip for our expedition, the training expeditions and learning to canoe were definitely an experience I’ll never forget. Through all of this, I found a new activity I’ll always enjoy and will hopefully get to try again in the future. One of my favourite memories is when we were learning to canoe the partner that I was canoeing with and I kept going in the opposite direction than instructed, but we were the first back to shore when doing a practice rescue exercise which made for an interesting day! D of E has definitely made me more resilient and taught me to be more independent and gave me confidence.I will always be grateful for the opportunity!