Aisha Abdelrahim

Doing DofE was a spontaneous decision but I'm glad I said yes. The skills I gained from it will benefit me for life, my friendships and connections with others have grown stronger. Going to the Peak District was an eye opening experience, and the landscapes I saw were absolutely unreal, even though we got drenched in the pouring rain we laughed about it and continued, and seeing our parents faces when we arrived back covered head to toe in mud was absolutely priceless. I owe a lot to the Duke Of Edinburgh for allowing me to develop my skills and learn new ones that I never thought I would need, had I not had the opportunity to participate in such a programme, I would have still been the scared and anxious person I was before, now I'm loud and adventurous and I'm always looking for the next opportunity to have fun and take part in activities that push me out if my comfort zone. I have zero regrets about doing DofE, and I hope that anyone who does take part in it sees the benefits of what it can do and how life changing it can be. Thanks to the Duke of Edinburgh for changing lives for the better everywhere.