Katherine Guernsey

DofE was my first opportunity to try hiking and camping - pursuits that I instantly loved and maintain to this day. Expeditions brought a real sense of accomplishment, and recognition that real gains require meaningful investment of time and energy. As someone who always strove to do well in academics, and feared making mistakes, DofE also offered valuable life lessons in what to do when things go wrong. When you’ve misread the map and found yourself miles off your route in the middle of a rare summer heat wave away from ready water sources, becoming upset is of little utility! DofE helped me learn that making mistakes is a part of life, and a key ingredient in learning. What’s important is how you respond to effectively deal with the situation, then assess and learn from those mistakes. I have taken those experiences into my personal and professional lives, and will always be grateful to the DofE and everyone I encountered through it for those invaluable lessons. Thank you Prince Philip for establishing this remarkable organisation, and in having led by the power of your example.