Charlotte Bowles

Taking part in the DofE award not only grew and enhanced school friendships, but helped me to understand different strengths and weaknesses of my teammates. As a 17 year old Surrey girl, I would never have gone on a week-long Deer Stalking residential course if it weren’t for DofE! What an experience that was...learning to shoot, understanding the forest, learning about Deer as animals, but also as provides many an interesting conversation years later!
And whilst at the time, I claimed to not enjoy the 4/5 full days walking, I look back with such fond memories and would love to do something similar again! Spending all that time in nature was beautiful (even in the rain!) and I’ve never forgotten that it you’re drinking fresh river water you should always collect it from the fastest moving section! I formed great memories from my time during my DofE and I’ll never forget them