Camila Castaneda

I am proud to have completed my Bronze, Silver, and Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards. I hold the Diamond Challenge Duke of Edinburgh award, where I reached the summit of Ben Nevis alongside my school.

I learnt a lot of valuable skills on these expeditions some including teamwork, resilience, mountaineering and first aid.

My most fond memory was when I went to Colombian Primary School for my Gold residential. I assisted in teaching English to a class of 30 kids aged 5-6, all were so bright. It was definitely an eye-opening experience, it made me really value all the chances I've been given.

By obtaining these awards, it has allowed me to increase my opportunities both personal and work life. They encouraged me to maintain fit and further my abilities which have led to me passing my NPLQ and signing up to go climb Mount Kilimanjaro in August 2021.
