Alison Mitchell

I just looked through my three record books and my DofE memories were brought to life. Without those four elements of DofE - service, skills, physical recreation and expeditions - I would have had limited challenges throughout my teenage years. DofE gave me adventures.

My service working with children at Brownies was so rewarding, and I excitedly planned activities, and I had the opportunity to become a role model.

Of course, the expeditions are the the part of DofE which we will never forget! After 6 expeditions, in all weathers, and especially as I am not a physically active person, I now know I can achieve anything to which I set my mind!
My most memorable expeditions are from my Gold award. During the practice, some of the team got food poisoning, which resulted in one member hurriedly needing to drop her trousers behind a hay bale in a field. Dutifully burning her toilet paper, she ended up setting fire to the hay bale which in turn torched the whole field. Smoke was everywhere! The five of us just stood there, mouths open, horrified by the chaos we caused.
On the real expedition, I was on a team of just guys. As the only female, I had a tiny banana-shaped tent to myself. Not knowing my team beforehand, I was concerned I might not fit in but I had no need to worry. We laughed the whole time, even forming a massage circle one night, then when I was the only one to fall in a river, all the boys cam together to fish me out.

Thank you, Duke of Edinburgh. Without this scheme I would not be the person I am today. I'm sorry I didn't meet him when I was presented with my award, but Prince Edward is a fantastic replacement - he even wore a DofE printed tie!