Marlene Godwin

I was one of those young people. Growing up in the troubles in Notthern Ireland, right in the middle of the IRA bombing and murdering men, woman and children. I was also the daughter of a politician. Which meant that our family was what was called “a legitimate target”. One evening, in the dead of night, the IRA came to kill my father. I heard them coming into the house and wandered in between the gunmen and my dad. What followed was so frightening that I didn’t speak for weeks. Thankfully they didn’t injure my Dad but it scarred me and I became a very timid frightened young girl.

Then two years later my teacher suggested the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. As it developed leadership, confidence and skills. I decided to give it a go.

The DoE scheme gave me an “out”. Something to focus on. To actually get to England and inside the palace to get my gold award was something I could focus on and it was do-able if I put the effort in. I had such fun, learned new skills, and the end result was a more confident, young woman with higher self asteem than I had before. Those were 5/6 years of the best fun, laughter and joy I remember. Thank you Sir, for me that was the turning point and I will forever be grateful to the organisation. ️