Ondrej Herda

DofE was that one step towards learning more about the UK for me and to gain new friends. When I started DofE I was in highschool and enjoyed every bit of it along the way.

I worked hard to get through my Bronze DofE and that then led into my Silver DofE. I didn't get into doing Gold but I still have hopes of doing it some day.

This doesn't seem like a lot but it actually helped me towards my current job. At this moment in time I'am 16 months into my service as a police officer. Without Duke of Edinburgh I probably wouldn't be where I'am today...

As I enjoyed DofE so much I also now help other young people get through theirs and have been since 2016 helping our Police Cadets get through their bronze and silver DofE.

Without DofE I don't know where I would be...