Shakira Ryan

When I was in year nine I was given the opportunity to take part in the DofE award and achieved it at the end of year eleven. some of my favourite memories of secondary school include the expedition sector of the award, I was part of a group of 6 which included my friends. we had many laughs during the trip and when looking back I wouldn't change a thing. I am very proud to be part of the award and would encourage anyone and everyone to participate if given the chance. The DofE award changed my life, I am able to put it on my CV and I learnt many skills including leadership and commitment. I tried to do each sector and completed each one. our expedition was cancelled due to weather so we had to wait a while before going onto our final expedition but it was all worth it in the end. The conditions of the ground were sometimes hard but the weather kept changing so parts of the expedition were cold and raining but others were hot and sunny. I have now achieved the Bronze award and am very grateful for the chances given to me.