TianJiong (Alvin) Zhang

DofE helped me to experience something that I really wanted to do but never had time for, even though I am just a bronze award holder this experience helped me to shape who I am and how I will continue to be. It helped me to understand that I am not weak, I am not who I though I was, I can become stronger still. I don't my DofE in the year 2019, when I was 16, ever since then I always wanted to complete my Silver DofE but because of heavy A Level pressure never had the chance to. DofE has helped me create a long lasting memory with my best friends. DofE gives me courage to apply to University of Cambridge because I know that I can achieve more if I just commit and persist with everything that I has to offer. Even when I am out of energy, out of faith. With trust in myself I will come thru. Thank you DofE, the experience that helped me and I am sure many other students just like me will be able to say the same once they have experienced what I have experienced.