Billy Gibbons

I was born at 24 weeks, twin 2 and weighing 810g. I am a young CARER for my twin sister Grace who has severe disabilities and is in a wheelchair. I am also disabled with profound hearing loss, and wearing Cochlear Implants, visually impaired and mild cerebral palsy.
At 13 I became involved in the fire cadets and started my DOfE when I was 14. At the age 18 I had completed my Gold Award and went to Buckingham Palace to receive it. This was my biggest achievement ever in my life and against all odds I did it. In turn I have grown in confidence and achieved something that I truly believed I couldn’t do. My Grandad had been my inspiration as he met the Duke of Edinburgh in 1963 when he himself was presented by HRH himself with Gold Award in the Royal Mews.