Aimee Ward

To most people DofE sounds like their worst nightmare, walking with a massive backpack and then camping even wild camping in some cases. For me this wasn’t the case, well the walking part was but to be able to spend a couple nights away in the country with some of the most beautiful and breathtaking views was just simply incredible. To spend 3 nights away with no mobile phones or technology, just a deck of cards and some of my now closest friends was the highlight of my education years.

After the completion of all 3 awards and the gold ceremony at the Palace gardens it is hard to pick out my ‘highlights’ due to the amount of memories I made. However, every night in the tent with the girls was just full of laughter while we played simple card games is a memory every single one of us highlight about our journey.

I will forever be thankful for the Duke's efforts to encourage young people like myself to engage in these incredible experiences and expeditions. Not only have I taken life long memories, friendships, skills and even a job but more importantly I now have a love for exploring and camping with my friends. As a tradition among ourselves we return to snowdonia park every summer and camp to explore new areas and create new memories.