Elizabeth Wright

I never thought I would be the kind of person that would be able to complete my DofE awards, I was the child that preferred to sit inside with a book and wasn’t particularly active. But I am so proud to have achieved my Gold, it was an honour to be presented with the award at St James’s Palace and to meet the Duke himself. Doing my DofE has shaped me as a person, the most challenging part for me was completing the expedition in Snowdonia, wild camping and climbing Mount Snowdon on the last day. Committing to the physical, skill and volunteering portions of the award were also challenging in their own way and allowed me to develop skills of determination and perseverance. Completing my Gold also helped me achieve my Queen’s Scout Award, my Grade 8 Musical Theatre Award and my Young Leader’s award, as well as helping me stand out in University and job applications.

I think my favourite DofE memory is from my Bronze expedition. My team and I had stopped in the woods to eat our lunch and a group of hunters walked by with their catch, we got chatting and they offered us the ducks they had shot for our tea. So we carried them around for the rest of the day and we thought we were so cool when we strolled into the campsite with our ducks. Then we prepared and cooked them on an open fire and felt like medieval Kings and Queens at a banquet.

I will forever be proud and thankful to be a Gold Award holder and part of the Duke’s inspiring legacy of service and dedication.