Lily Sinclair

D of E helped shape me as a person. I learnt many valuable skills and made friends for life on the trips. The trip inspired me to camp with tribes in Kenya where all my backpacking skills were applied.
The D of E was such an inspiring man and the D of E programme has enabled so many young people to have unforgettable experiences.

My favourite memory was my school year group wading through a river and the teacher having to carry my friend over who twisted her ankle.
The experience of getting my award at the palace gardens was truly magical and a day I will not forget as it consolidated and affirmed all the hard work my friends and I put in to the award.
The skills, sports and volunteering hours made me a better person and has allowed me to be employed in new jobs and gain more qualifications. For example the swimming I did for my sports section I am now a fully qualified swimming teacher.

The best memory was when the teachers approved out route on silver and there was meant to be a bridge but it had washed away so we all decided to try and cross the river but ended up a little dangerous. We used our initiative to call the teachers to tell them we were going to be slightly delayed. It was either that or a load of miles added on to the journey.

Here a photo of me sliding down a hill by accident.