Alice Trengove

For our gold expedition we went to North Wales and walked from just outside of Harlech to Caernarfon; visiting various castles on our way. We encountered many difficulties but we stuck with our knowledge, skills and worked together to get through angry farmers fields (along the footpaths!), barbed wire, misdirection and lots of heightened emotions. One of my favourite memories from this expedition was whilst we were on our way to Caernarfon castle getting ready to finish the gruelling journey! We were walking down the road, we all saw our end point in the distance, and we all received the motivation we needed to finish our last push- we were dancing, singing and joking about with our big packs, blistered covered feet and musty smelling clothes. After completing all three DofE awards I have become more confident, more organised as well as achieving my teaching degree after my university noticed all three awards on my application. I am now looking forward to volunteering in my local area to allow more young people to achieve their awards also.