Terri Peasnall

I was always a teenager that was not very good at any kind of sports and didn’t particularly enjoy it either both in or out of school. Exercise just wasn’t for me. I was encouraged by my mum to take part in the duke of Edinburgh award scheme in school and did so hesitantly.

This adventure changed my life! I found my niche! I made friends with people in school that I wouldn’t have otherwise associated with.

I loved everything about my participation in the award, I always looked forward to our trips, camps, walks and all the planning, fundraising and organising in between. My fondest school memories are based around my completion of the bronze and silver award.

After leaving school, my map reading skills developed further, I became an avid outdoor sports lover from hiking, kayaking and rock climbing.

As an adult now with two of my own children I am still an avid hiker and this is something we regularly do as a family. My children have hiked all over the country and been to the summit of many uk mountains. Both my children are keen rock climbers too.

I know that my love for the outdoors is because of my life changing experiences during my time participating in the duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, and I hope to encourage both of children to complete the award too.

Rest in peace HRH Prince Philip, and thank you for all of your service.