Claire Wheatley

The Duke of Edinburgh awards really helped build me to the person I am today. It made me realise qualities that I possess and these qualities have assisted me on being in the position I am in today. The Duke of Edinburgh awards gave me so many opportunities to develop new skills and meet new people. Through volunteering and the residential, I was able to meet new people and build strong foundational relationships that are still strong to this day.

I found the expeditions the most challenging part of the awards however they were the most rewarding. I learned about the important of perseverance and mental strength. I was able to push myself forward, even when I felt like giving up. However, the award taught me to keep improving and keep putting in 100% effort into each challenge and each step.

The Duke of Edinburgh awards has aided me in the profession I am in today. I am a Secondary School Teacher and through my experience of partaking in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, I have been able to show my school the qualities and abilities that I developed from the awards, and these have helped me to progress in my profession making me a strong and effective teacher.

I can now also encourage my pupils to get involved with the awards and can share my own experiences about how effective and rewarding the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme is.