
I've been fortunate to complete all three DofE levels. I've had some amazing experiences and some of the toughest but I wouldn't change any of them. I completed my silver in near-constant rain for 3 days straight and my gold in the blistering heat of summer. I've climbed hills that looked impossible from the bottom, navigated waterlogged fields, been chased by cows and learnt to cook full meals on a single burner. DofE gave me the opportunity to teach the skills I learnt in Scouting to my school friends, helping to grow my confidence and leadership skills. I got to see the absolute beauty of the British countryside and experience it with my friends. Through DofE I've learnt I am a problem solver and a leader but more importantly a resilient, strong, capable human being with so much to offer my community. My DofE legacy seeps into all aspects of my life, its helped me get jobs, in my Scouting role, with friendships. I know that when I have children I'll be encouraging them to get their gold award. I'll be telling tales to my grandkids of the time my friend fell into a muddy puddle and we rescued her, how we had to tumble dry our sleeping bags at the campsite because the rain just refused to let up all day but did it all with smiles on our faces, how we went completely the wrong way but together we corrected ourselves and still made it to the campsite in the light, how we worked together to support each other when we were struggling and wanted to quit and how amazing the sight of a minibus is after 4 days walking!