Sari de Sarigny

My daughter Amy, Downs Syndrome, went straight to doing Gold, it took well over a year, involving theatre skills (tech), tall ship SS Stavropol Niarchos, with help of bursary, as well as volunteering. Everything had to be done as an individual and had to take a longer time, but at the end of it all, she proudly received her Gold Award in London. It has given her an ability to help other people, to be a volunteer for the RDA and to keep going when there are obstacles. Unfortunately she is unable to work but where there is anything practical she has been congratulated on her staying ability. Most people she has met through the award have encouraged her and on the Tall Ship at the tail end of the hurricane going over to Ireland played her part with efficiency. It was encouraging to me, as a parent, to find that there was no exclusion, only encouragement. An experience that has shown that most things are possible but maybe not in the normal way.
I feel for the Queen and pray that the loss of Prince Phillip will not leave a totally unfillable hole in her life.