Karoline Silva de Oliveira

My DofE journey began in the UK - my hearth and home - and spilled over into South America - my advocacy.

I'm following a not-so-well-trodden path:
- I'm reading Law with a minor in International Studies in Brazil.
- I'm a researcher at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (Erasmus+) as a scholarship holder supervised by its Chair.
- I'm an Editor at the European V. Centre for Security Policy. - I've been accepted to a Health Economics exchange at the University of Hamburg (Universität Hamburg) in Germany.

The Duke of Edinburgh programme built upon the SERVIAM motto instilled in me when I was a St. Angela's girl!
It was my call to volunteering.
It set me on the path to debating through the Debate Mate programme, paving the way for my first work experience at the Houses of Parliament.
It ignited my interest in STEM through the Salters' Institute at the University of Cambridge, which carried over into my undergraduate studies - I'm a former Maths undergrad.

Unfortunately, I was unable to continue my DofE involvement after I came to Brazil for undergrad study, but the bred-in-the-bone DofE ethos lives on through my work with Shaping Horizons – a Social Enterprise under the aegis of the University of Cambridge, in alignment with the UN’SDGs, advancing diplomacy between South America and the UK. I am part of the core Teams as Global Editor-in-Chief and Chief of Quality and Impact, leading a team embarking upon the following challenges: Impact and Metrics; CSR and due diligence.

All of my initiatives stem not only from the desire to foster international cooperation, but also boost skills-based learning and exercise leadership-innovation muscles, affording us - students - the chance to be active agents of our own change and initiatives.

Therefore, it is my great privilege and honour to be part of this exceptional legacy: this vibrant, diverse community of past, current and future leaders!